There, I said it. Mea culpa.
I know I'm not alone in this love affair.
If you have ever chosen a restaurant based on the bread they serve before the meal; this recipe is for you.
If you can and often do make a meal of of salad and breadsticks; this recipe is for you.
If you think the Atkins diet is one of the worst ideas in history; this recipe is for you.
If you just need a yummy roll to serve with dinner tonight; this recipe is for you.
Actually, I can't think of anyone this recipe isn't for.
Here's all you need:
Frozen dinner rolls (I use Rhodes brand)
Coarse sea salt
If you're one of those people that have a great bread recipe, feel free to use it. I'm lazy so I picked out a package of frozen rolls and they came out wonderful.
Place the frozen rolls in a well greased baking dish. Make sure they are not too close together so that they have enough room to rise. This is a little too much room, so I'm going to add one more roll.
Cover the dish with a clean dish towel place in a non drafty area of your kitchen and leave for 3 to 5 hours. Obviously, if you'd like to have these for dinner you need to plan ahead.
4 hours later, look! I pulled away the towel and they have risen! I guess that's a joke better delivered at Easter time.
Chop up some fresh Rosemary. I LOVE Rosemary, the aroma is magnificent and the taste... minty, pine-y & flowery goodness.
You know what comes next, right?
Of course you do.
Melt some butter and add the fresh chopped Rosemary.
Baste the rolls with the butter and Rosemary.

Bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown (double check your package directions).
Sweet Georgia Brown!
Soft, warm and so flavorful right out of the oven. I'm going to try not to eat half the pan right now.
Enjoy these with pasta, chicken or your next holiday feast! I'm going to enjoy them all by themselves!