Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pumpkin Butter Cake

"The proximity of a desirable thing tempts one to overindulgence. On that path lies danger."

If you are calorie conscious, prone to fits of emotional eating, or just have a sweet tooth the size of an elephant tusk you may want to go here instead

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Pumpkin Butter Cake. You know you're in trouble when BUTTER is right in the name. There is no escaping it.

This is one of those recipes, like my father's Christmas steak stroganoff, that should only be made once a year. Usually I only make this for Thanksgiving dessert. But this year I'm making an exception to that rule so that I can share it with you.

Yes, I'm selfless.

Here is what you will need:

For the Cake:
1 (18 1/4-ounce) package yellow cake mix
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted

For the Filling:
1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 (15-ounce) can pumpkin
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg

Preheat your oven to 350.

Melt the butter and set aside to cool.

In a large mixing bowl crack one egg

add the cake mix and blend.

slowly add the cooled, melted butter.

Once the cake mix is fully blended

Drop the batter into a lightly greased 9 by 13 baking dish

and pat, pat, pat.

until the bottom of the dish is evenly covered. Set aside.

In the same mixing bowl add the pure pumpkin and softened cream cheese. Do not make the mistake I once made and use pumpkin pie filling. The end result will be a sloppy mess and that's not good for anyone.

Blend the pumpkin and cream cheese

add the eggs, vanilla and blend.

Now Please DON'T FREAK OUT. Its only butter. Calmly add the butter,

Cinnamon, nutmeg,

and the powdered sugar. Blend until everything is well incorporated.

pour the filling onto the cake crust

and spread out evenly.

Pop into the oven for about 50 minutes or until the center is only slightly giggly. I think mine went for a little over an hour but our oven is old.

The edges will be browned and the center will be soft and gooey, but not runny.

You'll know when its done...

...it will just feel right.

Excuse me now, I have some business to tend to.

1 comment:

  1. This cake is in the oven right now. My house smells amazing. I actually ended up making two because I added ALL the butter into the cake mix...opps. But another box of cake mix latter and making sure to double everything later, looks like a winner. I will bring one to Thanksgiving dinner and then there will be one home waiting for US...doesn't get better than that. I love this blog. Keep it up.
